There are many studies that have shown the advantages of breast feeding, not only for the baby, but also for the mother. There is no doubt that breast feeding carries many advantages. Many mothers find that they truly enjoy the process of breast feeding their babies, especially when they realize that their baby will be happier and healthier as a result of breast feeding!
Advantages For Baby
There are many advantages of breast feeding for the baby who is nursed. The baby is going to be healthier, as the breast milk provides all of the antibodies that the baby needs to help fight the infections that their tiny body is susceptible to. Not only that, but [tag-tec]breast milk[/tag-tec] is also perfectly formulated nutritionally for the baby’s needs. Breast fed babies are less likely to be obese as adults, because they learn from infancy what their bodies need to be full and healthy.
Another health advantage of breast feeding for the baby is that the mother’s body actually responds to bacteria and viruses that it detects in the baby’s saliva. The body will then put the necessary antibodies in the milk to protect the baby. There is no formula that can duplicate this process!
Advantages For The Mother
There are many advantages of breast feeding for the mother as well. Women who nurse their babies have an easier time loosing the weight they gain during [tag-ice]pregnancy[/tag-ice]. Also, nursing mothers have reduced risk to certain forms of cancer, including breast and ovarian cancer. Mothers who nurse their babies save themselves a lot of time spent fixing and cleaning bottles, which is a huge advantage of breast feeding! In times of distress, when water and formula are less available, nursing moms do not have to worry about what they are going to feed their babies.
Advantages To Employers
Believe it or not, employers of nursing moms find that there are many advantages of breast feeding. If employers allow their moms to pump at work, they will find that the mom will need to take off less time to take their baby to the doctor, as the baby will most likely be healthier. Not only that, but they will also most likely find that their moms are more efficient on the job because they are not feeling guilty about not being able to breast-feed their babies.
Advantages For The Environment
Finally, breast feeding holds many advantages for the environment. There is no waste associated with the production of breast-milk. There is no packaging necessary to deliver breast milk to the infant, which saves space in our landfills. All in all, breast feeding holds advantages for everyone on the planet!

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